Also you will know for sure the trial is done when you get a message that says "The scroll has reacted to your achievements" and you will receive an Alucard Fragment.I'm unsure if you have to be holding the Tushita sword while doing this trial but I recommend having it equipped.If this method does not work for you, an alternative solution to this trial (that did not work for me) is to die to a ghost located in the Yama room located at Hydra Island while holding the Tushita sword.

The easiest way to do it is to run to a Mythological Pirate (or any NPC) and allow them to damage you as mentioned, then walk away and regenerate your health, and repeat the sequence until complete. Additionally, you will need to repeat this sequence of taking 8-10k damage multiple times until the trial is complete. What you will need to do for this trial is simply run to any NPC or potentially player and allow them to do 8-10k damage to you, but do not let them kill you.Yama Scroll First trial: Pain and Suffering To begin with, you should start off with the Yama scroll that will appear on the right side of the scroll room as shown above. The explanation we get from YouTube or the main Wiki can be somewhat confusing, so here's a more in detail breakdown: Please note that the Cursed Dual Katana/Puzzle requirements must be met before attempting to complete this guide. After interacting with the altar, you may enter and defeat the boss who YOU CAN ONLY DAMAGE WITH YAMA OR TUSHITA SWORDS. 5.1 After you have completed both of the scrolls for Yama and Tushita you will accumulate a certain number of Alucard Fragments that you can use to open the doorway that is located in the middle of the scroll room.3.4 Hell Dimension (after you are killed by Soul Reaper).2 Please note that the Cursed Dual Katana/Puzzle requirements must be met before attempting to complete this guide.